A podcast for entrepreneurs, creators, and anyone who wants to build a legacy. Every Wednesday, you'll get an interview and in-depth masterclass with a subject matter expert who has been doing the things you want to do. Every Friday, a deep dive into a current topic will help you on your founder and creator journey.

You'll find the videos for each podcast on its episode page and on YouTube.

Latest Episodes

382: I went to MicroConf in New Orleans

And I have a few things to say.In one of my rare directly-from-the-hotel-room-to-you episodes, I'll dive right into the many wonderful experiences of this uniquely ama...

381: How AI Changes Famous Laws in Software and Entrepreneurship

The rise of AI is fundamentally changing and challenging the classic laws and principles of software development and entrepreneurship. Drawing from my experience build...

380: Experiment Report: Trying New Things

When I talked to Anne-Laure Le Cunff earlier this week, we get into experiments and how to run them effectively. That made me think that I've been running quite a few ...

379: Anne-Laure Le Cunff — Tiny Experiments

Anne-Laure Le Cunff (@neuranne) is a neuroscientist and author of the book Tiny Experiments, where she shines a scientific light on how we set goals, what experiments ...

378: Think with AI, Do with People

I'm not usually trying to create FOMO in other founders — I know all too well that we're busy enough with what we're building.But if you're not using chat-based AI to ...

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