All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 385 in total

382: I went to MicroConf in New Orleans

And I have a few things to say.In one of my rare directly-from-the-hotel-room-to-you episodes, I'll dive right into the many wonderful experiences of this uniquely ama...

381: How AI Changes Famous Laws in Software and Entrepreneurship

The rise of AI is fundamentally changing and challenging the classic laws and principles of software development and entrepreneurship. Drawing from my experience build...

380: Experiment Report: Trying New Things

When I talked to Anne-Laure Le Cunff earlier this week, we get into experiments and how to run them effectively. That made me think that I've been running quite a few ...

379: Anne-Laure Le Cunff — Tiny Experiments

Anne-Laure Le Cunff (@neuranne) is a neuroscientist and author of the book Tiny Experiments, where she shines a scientific light on how we set goals, what experiments ...

378: Think with AI, Do with People

I'm not usually trying to create FOMO in other founders — I know all too well that we're busy enough with what we're building.But if you're not using chat-based AI to ...

377: Virality is Poisonous

The most insidious consequence of chasing virality isn't that it makes you look foolish; it's that you're actively poisoning your precious audience.Here's what "playin...

376: Justin Moore — Becoming a Sponsor Magnet

Justin Moore (@justinmooretfam) knows a thing or two about sponsors. He's responsible for dozens of episodes of this very podcast to be sponsored! And what he taught m...

375: Mute those “Dings”

When notifications prevent you from focusing on your actual work, you know you're in trouble. Here's how I approach the balance between keeping an eye on the critical ...

374: Indie Hacking Databases at Scale

Databases are hard. Making the right choices early and keeping things running smoothly even when budget pressures and customer requests start piling on — that's the ha...

373: Delete Your Backlog

Sometimes, less is more. Here's how I pruned my feature backlog from 120 to 15 items.I'll share my decision-making framework; every single rule comes with examples. Ti...

372: Indie Hacking & the Singularity

One day, we'll all meld our minds into one, sharing our thoughts like the Borg on Star Trek.But before that, we have a few things to get done. And for us founders, tha...

371: Brian Sierakowski — Mastering Product Communication

Brian Sierakowski (@bsierakowski) has been busy over the last year: he started working on ChangeBot and TRMNL, and both projects are taking off.If you ever wondered wh...

370: Building Systems That Work While You Don't

This week, I was super sick — to the point where all I could do was rest in bed.The businesses needed to keep running, though. And fortunately, I set them up to do jus...

369: Expect-AI-tions

Expectations around AI tooling are changing, and software founders will be the first to either provide what people want — or perish.This episode is sponsored by Paddle...

368: Johannes Jäschke — From Hypnosis Innovation to Business Exit

Johannes Jäschke is a pioneer in the intersection of technology and mental health. From a college seminar to the forefront of digital well-being, Johannes developed Hy...

367: The Biggest Opportunity of 2025

Now that we're starting a new year, let's look ahead at the opportunities and challenges facing the software business world in 2025.This episode is sponsored by Paddle...

366: Omar Zenhom — Crafting Success Without a Tech Background

Omar Zenhom (@TheOmarZenhom) is one of those few amazing founders who just can't stop giving back to their entrepreneurial peers, no matter how much success they might...

365: Arvid's Year in Review: 2024

A new business. Raising money. Bootstrapping. Lifting. And then some.My 2024 was a year of progress, changes, and taking a few more risks than usual.Here's my 2024 yea...

364: Breaking my Own Rules

Sometimes, you have to pivot. And that's harder than it seems: old assumptions are deeply ingrained, new frontiers look scary.But right now, Podscan needs this. And to...

363: Ben Rometsch — From Side Projects to Industry Giants

Ben Rometsch (, the founder of Flagsmith, created a bootstrapped SaaS success story. Feature flags are transforming software deployment by de...

362: Startup Opportunities in Podcasting

The podcasting industry is full of business opportunities. I see them every day, either as a podcaster, a listener, or someone running a SaaS in this industry. So here...

361: Pierre de Wulf — Bootstrapping ScrapingBee to Millions

Pierre de Wulf (@PierreDeWulf), the founder of Scraping Bee, transformed himself from a frustrated developer into a SaaS success story. Here's what you'll learn from t...

360: Product-Market Fit & Time-to-First-Value

Imagine standing at a crossroads, juggling countless possibilities yet needing to choose just one path.That's what most early-stage founders struggle with. And for me,...

359: Connor Turland: Pioneering the Future of Bookkeeping with

Connor Turland (@Entrecurious) is the prototypical software entrepreneur. He found a niche from a "prior life" and is now building an AI bookkeeping SaaS.Now, many fou...

358: Love Is For Those Who Love the Work

AI was supposed to do our chores while we write prose and compose symphonies. Why is it composing our music and writing our books now, while WE do the chores?As softwa...

357: (Free) Trial & Error

Today, I’ll dive into the difference between a trial user and a trial abuser and what you can do to invite the former and prevent the latter.This episode is sponsored ...

356: James Phoenix — Mastering Code & AI for the Modern Developer

Coding with AI changes everything. It changes how we design, test, and improve our software projects. Today, I’m talking to generative AI expert James Phoenix.He’s wri...

355: The Age of the Gatekeeper Is Over

YouTube is both the best and the worst source of information — because we can watch it all, but no one will tell us what's REALLY worth watching.Here's how the gatekee...

354: The Art of Productive Procrastination

The problem with having no boss is that there's no one to stop you from procrastinating.I'm challenged by this daily, and I have found a few ways to stay accountable. ...

353: Podscan’s Dream Customer (Acquisition) Strategy

I want new prospects to receive the maximum possible value the moment they register for Podscan, so I treat them as customers before they even come to the page for the...

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