253: Focusing on Customer Retention Features

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Buckle up for a voyage into the intricate world of software feature decision-making! Promising to equip you with insights from my journey, this episode helps you navigate the choppy waters of determining which attributes to include in your software business and which ones to abandon. We'll unravel my personal blueprint for assessing feature requests and enhancements, with a particular focus on the crucial understanding of 'the job to be done.' Together, we'll dissect the correlation between feature alignment and customer retention, and you'll gain clarity on the two critical factors that weigh in when assessing the importance of a feature - workflow inputs and workflow outputs.

The blog post: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com/focusing-on-customer-retention-features/
You'll find my weekly article on my blog: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com

My book Zero to Sold: https://zerotosold.com/
My book The Embedded Entrepreneur: https://embeddedentrepreneur.com/
My course Find your Following: https://findyourfollowing.com

Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/arvidkahl/

This episode is sponsored by Acquire.com

Creators and Guests

Arvid Kahl
Arvid Kahl
Empowering founders with kindness. Building in Public. Sold my SaaS FeedbackPanda for life-changing $ in 2019, now sharing my journey & what I learned.
253: Focusing on Customer Retention Features
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