241: Human Creativity Amidst AI Dominance

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Battle lines have been drawn. Human writers versus artificial intelligence - who will come out on top? I'm Arvid Kahl, your guide through the minefield of writing in a world where machines such as ChatGPT are generating content at a phenomenal rate. Can human authors still hold their own? Absolutely! Tune in as I reveal why the human touch and authenticity inherent in our content is irreplaceable, no matter how advanced AI becomes.

The blog post: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com/human-creativity-amidst-ai-dominance/
You'll find my weekly article on my blog: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com

My book Zero to Sold: https://zerotosold.com/
My book The Embedded Entrepreneur: https://embeddedentrepreneur.com/
My course Find your Following: https://findyourfollowing.com

Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/arvidkahl/

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Creators and Guests

Arvid Kahl
Arvid Kahl
Empowering founders with kindness. Building in Public. Sold my SaaS FeedbackPanda for life-changing $ in 2019, now sharing my journey & what I learned.
241: Human Creativity Amidst AI Dominance
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