265: "Authenticity" in the Digital Age

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What does it even mean to be "authentic" online? Just posting things you want other people to see? Sharing everything, treating people like friends? Or maybe it's being extremely professional at all times. With audiences in the hundreds, 1000s, and millions, the old rules of what it means to be yourself in front of others don't apply anymore.

We have to recontextualize our self-presentation online, to be able to both feel like we are ourselves and to make our audiences feel that they get to see the real us. Unfortunately, this does not work with our traditional approach.

When it comes to authenticity, the size of virtual audiences we can quickly build creates the need for a new and slightly different way of thinking about what it means to be our true selves in front of people who only get to see the surface. Here is how you can be authentic in a digital world.

Here's the conversation with @dickiebush I reference: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com/dickie-bush-the-power-of-digital-writing/

This episode is sponsored by Acquire.com

The blog post: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com/authenticity-in-the-digital-age/
You'll find my weekly article on my blog: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com

My book Zero to Sold: https://zerotosold.com/
My book The Embedded Entrepreneur: https://embeddedentrepreneur.com/
My course Find Your Following: https://findyourfollowing.com

Here are a few tools I use. Using my affiliate links will support my work at no additional cost to you.
- Notion (which I use to organize, write, coordinate, and archive my podcast + newsletter): https://affiliate.notion.so/465mv1536drx
- Riverside.fm (that's what I recorded this episode with): https://riverside.fm/?via=arvid
- TweetHunter (for speedy scheduling and writing Tweets): http://tweethunter.io/?via=arvid
- HypeFury (for massive Twitter analytics and scheduling): https://hypefury.com/?via=arvid60
- AudioPen (for taking voice notes and getting amazing summaries): https://audiopen.ai/?aff=PXErZ
- Descript (for word-based video editing, subtitles, and clips): https://www.descript.com/?lmref=3cf39Q
- ConvertKit (for email lists, newsletters, even finding sponsors): https://convertkit.com?lmref=bN9CZw

Creators and Guests

Arvid Kahl
Arvid Kahl
Empowering founders with kindness. Building in Public. Sold my SaaS FeedbackPanda for life-changing $ in 2019, now sharing my journey & what I learned.
265: "Authenticity" in the Digital Age
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